Sunday, November 03, 2013

NaNoWriMo: so far so good!

I often read some of the strangest things on the internet, perhaps useful for my novel writing some time in the future, so I hand write out some notes and file it in a folder for the story line I think it would best suit.

Well, because it is NaNoWriMo (meaning National Novel Writing Month), I decided to commit to working on my novel manuscript every single day during NaNo rather than strive to reach the 50,000 word count NaNo promotes.

Up to day three and tracking well, I needed to refer to a minor character (who may or may not have a bit part later on in the story) so I wanted to use that character's first name in passing reference, so pulled out my WIP file looking for the list of names I've built up over time for this particular storyline (some of which will never be used, but are there on stand-by in case I need them), when I came across some old handwritten notes about love and intimacy.

So now I've just found myself a handy checklist, so I can incorporate the exact opposite of 'what makes a good relationship' so readers can work out long before my main character that the person she is dating is 'completely wrong for her' and no she shouldn't trust him, and yes, she should most definitely break up with him!

After so many false starts with this particular manuscript, with my character undergoing so many changes, like her age, and her name, and her background situation, this Chapter One is starting to feel the best its ever felt - yes, I know I said that last time, but still... we writers can be a fickle bunch when we put on our editor's cap.

Here's hoping that every day in November allows me to add to my manuscript word count, even if it is only one word some days.

Day 3 Word Count (progressive) total: 4609.

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